Friday 27 November 2015

Le weekend

Signé le quiz d'histoire et le charity project. 

Book Report/Character Poem

La Chanson et la Danse vont être présenté lundi. 

Affiche pour les chansons

Onomatopoeia picture

Définitions d'histoire 


Bon weekend!!!

Affiche pour ta chanson

Créer une affiche (en français) qui montre le message de la chanson que tu as écrit. L'affiche est sur une page régulière et doit avoir un dessin et une ligne de la chanson pour représenter le message. Due: jeudi
**le photo attaché est un exemple en anglais. 

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Homework for 11/25/15

English: Book Report due on December 4th! Write a readers response, and a character poem!

Math: Math Test/Quiz on circumference coming up, so study!

Art: Op Art due next art class!

French: The French song is due tomorrow! Get ready to record or sing!

Music: Practice Christmas music, only in 2 weeks!

History: Definitions due on Monday!

Les devoirs

Vous devez faire les 8 premiers mots de la liste de vocabulaire pour lundi. 

Don't forget your Book Reports (retell, relate, reflect) and your Character Poems.  They are due in just over a week. If you want a friend to edit it, have it at school Friday.  

Thursday 19 November 2015

New Twitter account

I had a Twitter account with the grade 5s. I'll keep it going for you and update it with important reminders and to post pics of stuff we've done. Go ahead and follow it @BWPS8G

Weekend homework

History quiz Monday (les caractéristiques physiques, politiques et économiques et aussi les définitions)

Op-Art due Tuesday. 

You will be recording your songs Tuesday   Make sure you're ready for that. 

Don't forget about your book report. 

Cereal Box Challenge is almost over...bring in your boxes!!!

Congrats again to Iain, Max, Gabrielle, Dinu and Jasmin. Bonne chance lundi!!!

Enjoy your long weekend!

-Mlle. Guenot

Monday 16 November 2015

This week (for Mlle Guenot)

Cereal Box Challenge continues 
Pita Pit/Scholastic money-Thurs. Nov. 19
Reportage Culturelle-jeudi le 19 nov. 
Op-Art #2 - mardi le 24 nov. 

History Definitions!

Friday 13 November 2015

English Book Report

Weekend Homework

Not much to do for homework. 
Op-Art 2 (due Monday)
History definitions (due Tuesday)
Find a book for your English book report. 
Science-I believe you have a worksheet or something to read (not too sure about that)
Enjoy your weekend!!

Friday 6 November 2015

Other homework and due dates

Art (Monday)
Remembrance Day writing (Wednesday)
Reportage Culturelle (Thursday). **
Respond to Science questions

**You cannot work on the writing but you can do research and bring it Monday. You'll be getting time to work on it Monday. 

Charity Project

Here is the Success Criteria, Organizers and what you need to hand in on Tuesday. Don't forget, you need a written report, formally written, not point form, with all of your information. 

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Upcoming assignments

Reportage (5 paragraph essay)
Rough copy is due November 12. 
Good copy is due November 19. 

Remembrance Day writing
Rough copy is due Monday November 9.
We will do peer review that day in class. 
Good copy is due Wednesday November 11.  

Monday 2 November 2015

Quiz de santé MERCREDI

Il y aura un quiz de santé mercredi matin. Assurer que tu as les notes des groupes alimentaires et les étiquette nutritives pour se préparer.