Monday 14 December 2015

Spirit Week

Tuesday - Crazy/Christmas socks
(Potluck and Secret Pal exchange)

Wednesday - PJ Day

Thursday - Bellewood or House league colours
(Holiday Concert)

Friday - Ugly Christmas sweater / Red&Green day
(Grade 7/8 Dance)

Critère de succès pour le test d'histoire

La note d'histoire

Voici la note que j'ai mid au projecteur et que vous avez copié.  Il y a aussi les questions de compréhension. 

Friday 11 December 2015

Les devoirs pour le weekend

Cultural Kitchen presentations begin Monday
History Quiz on Wednesday
Health Page
Potluck and Secret Santa Nov 15th!
Op Art due next art class
Practice music
Hand back progress report envelope
Sign work

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Mercredi-les devoirs

1) My Cultural Kitchen (Monday)
2) Shopping list for your family (Friday)
3) Entrevue (Vendredi)
4) Paragraphes 1 photo/1 citation (late)
5) Histoire p. 45-48 + page (lundi)
6) Quiz d'histoire (mercredi)
7) Op-Art (mardi)
8) Cultural Potluck & Secret Pal (Dec. 15)


Thursday 3 December 2015


Voici les attentes pour l'entrevue. 
N'oubliez pas un introduction et de remercier la personnel à la fin. 

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Oral Presentations

My Cultural Kitchen

Here are the expectations for you oral presentation. 
Be sure to talk a bit about your culture, about the food (what you're bringing and other examples) and make connections to the importance of food in your culture. We will practice presenting on Monday the 7. 

Book Report Reminder

Expectations for your letter and what to hand in. 
Don't forget your character poem and to decorate it. 
Check for spelling and grammar on both assignments!!

Tuesday 1 December 2015


Histoire (pg. 35) - mercredi
Affiche de chanson - jeudi
Book Report - Friday
My Cultural Kitchen (rough) - Monday

Sign: history quiz, charity project, Immigration Essay

**Potluck December 15**