Wednesday 27 January 2016

Spirit days!!

Thursday-Spitfires or Hockey Jersey (or shirt) day!

Friday-House League or Bellewood colours!


Due date and presentation dates will be given later. Although you will have class time to work on your speech, some work at home will be necessary to write and to prepare your presentation. 
**I will also be collecting a draft as a writing mark**

Monday 25 January 2016

Upcoming homework

A mon avis: Good copy is due on Wednesday.  All rough work should be handed in with it. 

Cold Hands art: Wednesday 

Sunday 24 January 2016

Les phrases persuasifs

N'oubliez pas


Grad Photos - vendredi 

Sandwich Presentation for incoming Sabres - jeudi

À mon avis: le brouillon est due demain

L'art: due mercredi

Thursday 7 January 2016

No homework

No homework tonight but don't forget about the history quiz re-do tomorrow!

Monday 4 January 2016

Les devoirs

Écris une paragraphs d'au moins 10 phrases, en utilisant le Passé Composé. Tu dois avoir au moins 10 verbes différents. 
**brouillon=demain (mardi)
**bonne copie =mercredi

Histoire- les premiers 5 définitions (mercredi)
**make up quiz on Friday for those who got 75% or less (18/25 or less). 

English - Mindsets
Write a paragraph for each of your areas of improvement (you should have 2) that were discussed today. State your goal and answer the following questions:
Why is it important to feel that way?
What will you do to achieve your goal?