Monday 29 February 2016

This week so far...

Sign Persuasive Writing Rubric 

Song Analysis is due Wednesday March 2. Preferably typed. 

Géographie Enquête #1 due March 10. 

Wednesday 24 February 2016

Don't forget

Sandwich forms are due tomorrow (Thursday). 
Skating at South Windsor Arena is also tomorrow. 
Massey forms are due Friday. 
Double check for cancelled buses in the morning. Be safe!  This weather causes accidents...and I don't want anyone to get hurt!!!

Tuesday 23 February 2016


Your brochure is due tomorrow. It can be done by hand or on the computer and is to be done en français. There was a post with the chart paper for this assignment a little while back, so scroll down to find it. You decide what is important to go in your brochure. It CAN be point form. You DO need pictures and you DO need a slogan. 

Don't forget high school forms and permission form for skating. 

Friday 19 February 2016

Weekend homework

Pick a "deep" song. 

Brochure de santé is due Wednesday. The rubric is posted on here. 

Math contest is Wednesday for those involved. 

Sign your permission forms for skating. 


Students going to Sandwich, deadline is the 25. Don't forget to fill out all your forms and to pick your courses. 

Students going to Massey. Mr. Gray will be coming to speak with you Monday or Tuesday, I'm waiting for his reply. 

Enjoy your weekend!!!

Thursday 18 February 2016

Tuesday 16 February 2016


History - Feb. 18
Art - Feb. 19
Speech - Feb. 19
Health Brochure - Feb. 24

Pizza Orders due Feb. 19
Bellewood Family Movie Night February 19 at 6pm

Thursday 11 February 2016

Long weekend homework

À mon avis - due Tuesday 
     This must be typed and all rough work should be submitted

History project - due Thursday 

Speech (written copy) - due Friday 

Mosaic - due Friday 

Wednesday 10 February 2016

"Valentine's Day"

Potluck Thursday for snack foods only. Let's make sure we have a variety of food. 

Red/White/Pink day on Thursday as well for house league points!

**Don't forget that there is no school Friday OR Monday!!!**

Brochure de santé (expectations)

Next week...

A mon avis is now due on Tuesday February 16

Mosaic art is now due Friday February 19

Speeches (written copy) is due Friday February 19

Friday 5 February 2016

Weekend homework

Science test - Monday
Texte persuasif brouillon - lundi
L'art - mercredi
Projet d'histoire - le 18 février
     (Période de recherche lundi/mardi)
Speech - February 19

**Report Cards go home Monday**
***full Jazz Band rehearsal Monday**

Bon weekend!!!!

Monday 1 February 2016

English rubric

Here are the English translations of the rubric you were given for your speech. Don't forget, your speech is written in English!