Tuesday 29 March 2016


Photo Essay rough copy is due tomorrow. We will be peer editing each other's work so be sure to have it with you. 

Picture taking was a lot of fun today!  You need to have at least 3 photos (with or without editing) for next class, which is Tuesday. 

Our trip to the Symphony is Thursday, forms and money need to be brought in ASAP!!

Grad trip money is due Friday. 

Monday 28 March 2016

This week

Tuesday: bring a camera or device for photography

Wednesday: rough copy of Photo Essay is due 

Thursday: Windsor Symphony Trip (bring forms and money ASAP)

Thursday 24 March 2016

Weekend homework

Photo Essay - rough copy due for peer editing on March 30. 

Speeches- presentations take place all next week

Art - bring device/camera on Tuesday for photography 


Symphony trip - March 31
Trip money - April 1
Scholastic - April 8
Benefit Concert - April 27

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Photo Essay

We will be working on the Photo Essay, "My Life" on Monday when we get back to school. If you don't have your pictures in hand, at least have an idea of the ones you will be using. 

Monday 7 March 2016

This week

Verb quiz Tuesday 
Géographie due Thursday
Hospice dance ($2 donation) is Friday 
Grad pic money due Friday 
Baby photos due Friday 
Grad trip money due April 1

Thursday 3 March 2016


Write an email to Jann giving him advice on whether to stay on the planet or if he should return to his family. Use the text and your own feelings/knowledge.  
This is due tomorrow. 

French-Speech is due after March break  
Makeup quiz on Tuesday 

Géographie-Enquête #1, chapter 1 project is due March 10

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Song Analysis

Your song analysis is due tomorrow. 

You must include 3 paragraphs (theme, message, connections). You may include more of you would like. Be sure to use lyrics as supporting evidence and other detail to enhance your writing. 

You must also include a copy of the lyrics for me to use as reference. 

Presentations will be Thursday-Monday on your assigned day. You will talk about your song (what you put in your analysis). You may also play the song (up to 1 minute) and show the video of it is relevant. 

I prefer this to be typed but it's not mandatory. 

Many people have asked "Is this enough information?"  You need to be the judge. Be sure that you are fully answering what I'm asking you, use supporting detail/evidence, proper sentence structure etc. You need to judge your work before I do.